What's funny is that some people are going from AoC to Vangaurd, and making like they've discovered some super-secret, amazing MMO that no one else knew about. I've already admitted to taking advantage of the current Vanguard free month for previous subscribers or whatever it is that's going on at the moment. I've also admitted to not being overwhelmed by the progress that hasn't really been made since I last played. Well, ok the frame rates are better but that seems to be because they've massively reduced the detail levels, especially of character models where there used to be about 10 pages of sliders to customise your look but now there are about 4, and each slider has less affect than before. And the game still hitches like hell as you run around and it tries to load assets. And the animations are still horrible.
It still has a curiously nice "feel" to the world that AoC is missing, like it's quite an immersive place to spend time, but the actual mechanics are still rubbish. I couldn't summon the motivation to play on my old characters so I made a new bloodmage, and it was going ok, nothing special, but then I reached an area where you start to find harvesting nodes, and I used to enjoy harvesting because of how you could just ignore all the quests and head off into the wilderness and discover "secret" harvesting areas. Except that's all been destroyed now by these ridiculously huge labels they've put over all the harvesting nodes which you can see from miles away.
It used to be quite tricky to spot harvestable trees especially, because they look very similar to all the others unless you hover the cursor over them at which point the cursor would become an axe. I think they used to have labels, but they were quite small and didn't appear until either you were quite close or had them selected, I can't remember which. Then you'd get more used to it and you've be able to spot them, and even which type or rarity they were just by looking.
I mean just look at that screen shot. Hmm, where can I find a weakened tangleleaf tree do you think? or some "metal", or "mineral"? It's such a simple thing but it just killed the whole game for me when I saw that. Strangely enough AoC also recently added harvest nodes to the mini-map, so of course you can never find any that aren't used up now.
Meanwhile Vanguard's in-game chat is full of "thanks AoC, without you I wouldn't be here" or "this is what EQ2 should have been" masterbatory bullshit from people who think they've got one up on the remaining AoC players, but who will soon discover that while yes, the first 20 or so levels are reasonably good fun, the game quickly descends into mindless, endless grind after that and still seems to have a lot of the bugs that it had a year and a half ago.
Of course Warhammer is the new AoC in terms of people claiming it's going to be amazing, except they've just announced they've had to cut 4 out of the 6 starting cities, and 4 classes (out of 24, across the 2 factions, I think) because they couldn't get them right or EA wouldn't give them any more time to finish it or whatever. So when that comes out the whole cycle will repeat.
Anyway up to level 42 in AoC and yes it's a bit dull, yes they keep breaking it, yes there are fewer people around every time I log in. The good thing about having low expectations for it in the first place is that I'm not disappointed.
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