First things first, the most important question to answer is, "how does it measure up to Age of Conan?".

They're definitely in the same ballpark. Which is to say, they're both rather large.

The boxes are exactly the same thickness.

AoC is about 2/3 of an inch wider. It's going to be a photo-finish.

WAR manages to pull itself back from the brink of defeat by being about an inch taller than AoC. I don't have a tape measure to hand, but I suspect WAR just clinches victory by being a fraction more voluminous than AoC, although it's almost too close to call. What you can't see, however, is that WAR is much heavier than AoC, tipping the scales firmly in WAR's favour.
So that's the exterior. What about the contents? Well, to be honest I haven't decided whether to open WAR or keep it sealed. You know, for best. Not because I have any thoughts of ebay'ing it (unlike the twat who admitted to buying a load of AoC CEs because original WoW CEs sell for big money now. Little did he know no one would give a toss about AoC and so he reckons he lost around $2k. Oh, how I laughed). Rather the thought of not even opening it amuses me. Because in any case I won't be installing it.
So you'll have to make do with the descriptions on the back of the box. Apparently there's some miniature in there, which is nice. And a graphic novel and the obligatory art book, just like AoC. No mention of a soundtrack CD, although in this day and age I'd assume there's one in there.